Welcome Home Bins Ministry

September has been a hectic month with the opening of the new men’s house in Urbana. As everyone settles in, it’s time for an update from Austin’s Place.

We have four new faces in our house! Please welcome Dashea, Haley, Elizabeth, and Briann!

These women have joined Austin’s Place at C-U at Home and are taking their first steps toward stable and independent lives. With the support and encouragement of case managers and the resources provided by the C-U at Home program, these women will find their way - discovering new strengths and talents - and growing into their full potential as contributing members of our community.

Please pray for these women as they take the first steps on their new pathway to progress.

Each woman receives a Welcome Bin from Champaign First United Methodist Church. Each bin contains a set of sheets, a blanket, a pillow, towels, washcloths, a laundry hamper, and a shower caddy for her to use during her time at Austin’s Place. She will take these items with her when she graduates from the C-U at Home program. These bins continue to be a warm welcome for women as they begin to discover what a stable home is like – possibly for the first time in their lives.

As the original home of Austin’s Place, Champaign First UMC has a long history and deep love for the women served by this ministry. This Welcome Home Bins Ministry continues this legacy of support of the women at Austin’s Place. LOVE FIRST!

Your generous donations make this ministry possible. To support this ministry, you can donate with a check payable to FUMC (210 W. Church St, Champaign, IL 61820) or go to our website (www.champaignfumc.org) and click on GIVE. BE SURE TO DESIGNATE YOUR GIFT FOR AUSTIN’S PLACE/WELCOME BINS so it goes into the correct account.