Here’s the link to watch the clip of Chancel Choir in the JOBTOWN Fire Video which was filmed this summer:
GriefShare Meetings
Have you lost someone recently that you loved dearly?
GriefShare may help you gain a new perspective on life since your loss.
GriefShare is a 13-week support group that will help you through your loss.
Weekly videos, group discussions (not mandatory) and a workbook
are used in this process.
Meetings will be held at First United Methodist Church in Friendship Center North.
You need not attend every session.
Please contact Sharon Johnson at 217-356-9078 or
Cathy Mitchell at 309-645-2187. You may also go to
School Supply Fundraiser for Dr. Howard Supply Closet
Resource List to learn about Racial Injustice
Need resources to learn about racial injustice? Check out our Resource List. This is a living document that will be updated regularly.
Here’s the link: