February 23, 2025 Worship

Worship for: February 23
7th Sunday after the Epiphany
Family Fun Sunday

February 16, 2025
10:30 am

In-Person Worship
Find our online Worship:
on Facebook
and on YouTube

Scripture Reading
Luke 15:3-7

Reverend Julia Melgreen

WORSHIP HELPS-click the links below



The Beginning of Lent

March 5

Ash Wednesday Services 

at 12:15 and 6:00 pm


PLEASE REGISTER your attendance by commenting on our Facebook page during the worship service. We'd love it if you would fill out a connection card!


NEWCOMERS If you are new to our community of faith, our pastor would like to have a conversation with you and get to know you better. She wants to be your pastor and she hopes FUMC will be your church home. Please fill out the CONNECTION CARD found on our website. https://www.champaignfumc.org/connection-sheet

SIGN UP FOR MORE! If you would like to receive weekly letters from the pastor and church news, please go to our website and fill out our CONNECTION CARD!

DONATE ONLINE through Vanco or Paypal, on our website!

PRAYER REQUESTS If you would like us to pray for you or your loved ones, email your prayer request to: info@champaignfumc.org OR fill out the prayer request form on our website.

Walking Talking Lunch Bunch - Every Tuesday

Building Reserve and Health:
A Walking and Lunch Program

FUMC has been blessed with funding from the United Methodist Foundation to start a weekly exercise, fitness, and nutrition program for adults in our congregation and community. We are happy to announce that Debbie Chew will lead the program. Debbie has many years of experience in directing physical rehabilitation programs.

Each session will consist of gentle warm up exercises, walking, and a time for a shared lunch. The walking will be adapted for varying levels of speed and endurance. No fee is required to participate. The costs per person for lunch will be $10. Funding may be available for those who would benefit from assistance with food costs.

Please join us in Friendship Center on:

Date: Tuesdays

Time: 11:30 a.m. (We walk from the church at 12:20 to the restaurant.)

Restaurant Schedule:

February 4 - Hacienda Agave

February 11 - Jupiter’s

February 18 - Bunny’s

February 25 - Farren’s

 Walkers and volunteers to assist with the program are welcome!! Please contact the church office at 217-356-9078 for any questions or further details.

First Rehearsals of 2025

Chancel Choir: Wednesday, January 15, 7:00 pm in the Choir Room

Perceptions Praise Team: Thursday, January 16, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary

Angel Choir: Sunday, January 19, 4:00 pm in Room J

Chancel Ringers: Tuesday, January 21, 6:00 pm in the Balcony

Youth Music: Sunday, January 26, 5:00 pm in the Choir Room

Choral Union: Monday, January 27, 7:00 pm in the Choir Room

Save the Dates

Angel Choir Musical: Land of the Lost and Found, Sunday, April 27

Major Music Sunday, Sunday, May 11