About Us

The United Methodist Church is an 11 million-member global denomination of open hearts, open minds, and open doors, with the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Julia Melgreen.jpg


Rev. Julia Melgreen


Through the gifts of scripture, tradition, reason, and experience, United Methodists encourage people to know God in Jesus Christ while also being respectful toward people of differing faiths.  Questions and doubts are welcome while all grow in faith together.John Wesley and the early Methodists were particularly concerned about inviting people to experience God’s grace and to grow in their knowledge and love of God through disciplined Christian living, putting faith and love into action.  This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as “practical divinity” continues to be a hallmark of United Methodism today.

Wesley defined God’s grace (unconditional love) as threefold:

Prevenient—God loves every person from the very beginning, even before she or he is aware of it or is able to do anything in response to it.

Justifying—We are reconciled to God by God’s own action, and not by our own doing.  In spite of our sin, we are forgiven and can live without fear in relationship with God.

Sanctifying—We live a new life and are constantly being transformed into the persons God made us to be.  Through prayer, worship, study of scripture, fasting, the Lord’s supper, Christian conversation, and acts of justice and mercy, we live our lives more completely the way Jesus lived.

In this spirit, the mission of First United Methodist Church of Champaign is:

  • To connect people with God and one another

  • To grow as disciples of Jesus Christ

  • To serve others

We hope you will join us in this mission!

Statement of Social Principle Regarding Marriage

 The First United Methodist Church of Champaign reaffirms that it leads in grace and is open to all persons. In this spirit, FUMC supports the sanctity of marriages of all consenting adults of faith which brings them into a union with one another and into a deeper relationship with God and the religious community.

 -Approved by FUMC Administrative Council 
August 27, 2024

Our Staff

Rev. Julia Melgreen
Directing Pastor

Meredith Garreau
Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries

Barbara Zachow
Director of Music & Worship

Ryan Berner
Worship/Music Technical
Support Assistant & Custodian

Tina James
 Business Manager

Ray Wiggs

Sharon Johnson
Administrative Assistant

Emily Benson
Business Office Assistant

Jung McClellan

Bonnie Berner
Director of Communications

Laura Hendricksen
Director of Child Care Center

Terry McClellan
Lead Custodian

Coady Brockett-Murphy
Pastoral Care Visitor

Do you have questions, Comments, or want to get involved? we're here to help.